Oak in a field.

This is a series of paintings of some trees at the side of a cultivated field. I've done one a month for the past year or so, starting in March 2014 and deciding to paint a  series in October of that year.

Actually, it feels a bit cheaty passing them off as a year's paintings. I might do three more so I've got one for every month in 2015.

What has painting a series taught me?

Foliage can last longer than you expect.

Things are beautiful all year round.

The sky is different every day.  Different colour blue, different way it fills with light.

You never find the balance between mass and detail, but you get close enough.

Paint for too long and you're just second guessing yourself.

Colours change with the light in a heartbeat, but if you look long enough you see what repeats.

The smallest brush you use should be a little too big.

If your painting looks right at the viewing distance, don't worry about how it looks close to.